Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist (CMS-CHt)
Fellow of the International Board Of Hypnotherapy (FIBH)

Questions and Myths


The truth is:

When a person is in hypnotized, the person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and becomes highly responsive to what is suggested or directed.
When in hypnosis, YOU (the client) are in full awareness at all time.  Hypnosis is equivalent to deep relaxation or deep sleep.  Your mind is fully aware and awake.  Your mind is still yours.
The hypnotist can make you do / say / think ANYTHING he / she wants you to
The hypnotherapist can NOT make you think / say / do anything that YOU do not want to think / say / do. YOU (the client) are in full control of yourself / thoughts / ideas / body functions at all times.  You share only what you want to share.
The hypnotist can make you cluck like a chicken, behave inappropriately, turn into a comedian.
Hypnotherapy and clinical hypnotherapists are not truth serums or wizards or magicians. You can not be forced to do or say anything that you do not agree to. 
Hypnotist will program you to forget, have amnesia, re-program your mind so you are no longer yourself, especially when going deep into trance or deep relaxation - you have no idea what went on.  You will be like drugged.
Change does not happen because you were programmed or forced to change.  No one can change you.  Through realization of past events, memories, beliefs - you gradually initiate the change within yourself.  You realize (on your own) that your old beliefs or memories were distorted and you know how to look back from a dissociated point of view.  
The strong-minded or analytical minded are not easily hypnotized or can not be hypnotized.
It will be challenging but not impossible.  There are different techniques and ways to approach various types of people who wish to bring on their transformations.  Each person, each event, each issue is unique.  What works for you, might not work for another.  Hypnotherapy is customized for each individual.
Hypnosis is brainwashing
Brainwashing requires entrenchment with deprivation. If a client could be manipulated in trance, all hypnotherapy sessions would be 100% effective. Unfortunately, this is not so. Plain downright hypnotherapy, if properly applied, is still only 70-80% effective.  The remaining 20-30% depends on the client's own commitment and dedication to reach his/her goal.
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation of the mind, similar to deep meditation or deep sleep, that yields numerous healing benefits generated from the subconscious level.

To determine whether you are a candidate for hypnotherapy, let's schedule a 15 minute free consultation. We will discuss your goals and evaluate your responsiveness to the technique. This will help determine if you are a good candidate for hypnotherapy.

Yes! We welcome children of all ages.
For clients below the age of 18, we do require that the minor be accompanied by a legal parent or guardian at all time. You are allowed to remain present during each and every session, however should your teen request you leave, we do request that you remain within the office perimeter at all times.

Medical support hypnotherapy is used only as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services are provided.

Hypnotherapy Academy of America

International Board of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is an educational self-improvement process that facilitates access to internal resources that assist us in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is NOT a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Nontakorn Hypnotherapy does not practice medicine or psychotherapy. The services of this company are NOT replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric, or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological, or mental health condition. Medical Support Hypnotherapy is used ONLY as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services can be provided.