Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist (CMS-CHt)
Fellow of the International Board Of Hypnotherapy (FIBH)

Quarantine 2020 - Hypnotherapy Benefits

COVID-19 – CORONA VIRUS – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) - CORONA

With all the news going around and all medical intellects putting their heads together to develop reliable test kits to detect the virus as soon as possible, the rush to develop immunization for the virus, the rush to ensure that the market has sufficient amount of supplements and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) – we best leave all that to the medical physicians and all other professionals in their field.

In the meanwhile…

What can we do for ourselves and not end up being sitting ducks?  There are various sites and videos and scripts going around and around and around the internet on:

...how to protect yourself from covid…

...how to protect myself from covid…

...how to protect myself from covid-19…

...how to protect myself from corona…

And you do ALL that you CAN DO to ensure total protection – wear your mask, wash your hands, practice social distancing, stay at home, stay indoors, take supplements – zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, echinacea, etc…

YET – something is getting overlooked….

There is ONE MORE health issue that needs taking care amongst all the physical protections being put in place by yourself, by testing centers, by test kits, by immunization…..your mental health.

A part of you that is totally independent from supplements, from medication, from personal protective gear, from immunization, and from test-taking.  When considering your overall health – there is no separation between your physical or mental health.

Poor physical health can lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems. Similarly, poor mental health can negatively impact physical health, leading to an increased risk of some conditions.

Mental Health

First, let’s make a clear distinction between “Mental Illness” & “Mental Health”.

“Mental Health” - everyone has “mental health”, just as we have our physical health.  When talking about “mental health”, we are referring to our mental well-being – our emotions, our feelings, our higher conscious, our ability to solve problems, our ability to overcome challenges, difficulties, our ability to perceive what goes on around us.

“Mental Illness” – this is an illness that affects how we think, how we feel, how we behave – not only with ourselves but with others.  An illness that holds one back from being able to function appropriately within, with, or amongst society.

Just as we all have different degrees of physical health issues – some light, some moderate, some severe physical health issues – mental health is the same.

And our mental health state plays no less role than our physical health state.  In order for us to function at our peak, be in our prime, be in our element – it is the balance between both physical and mental well-being.

Mental Health & Quarantine

Anxiousness, overwhelming, worry, sleeplessness, non-stop inner thoughts revolving in our minds day and night and day and night, suppression of feelings, resignation to one's predicament, lifestyle, well-being.

Small tasks become monstrous.  Overwhelming.  Overbearing. 

Feeling of resignment. 

Total discomfort.

And…..unhappiness, where the body releases various tell-tale symptoms as a shout out to you.

What to do?

Mental Health & Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy helps with getting over those such feelings that hinder us from moving forward with our tasks or what must be done.  Turn the inner critical voice to be your best number, One supporter.  Bring you back into your element and put you back into your game.  You and your clinical hypnotherapist work together to help you along your path to self-healing.  You.  Are.  Not.  Alone.

Clinical hypnotherapy is not a method as you watch on television or see at the shows offered on the Las Vegas Strip.  There is “no mental problem”.  There is no forcing you to do what you do not want to do – cluck like a chicken, quack like a duck, or crawl on the floor.  Though there ARE times that we simply WISH SOMEONE or SOMETHING had total control over us and our actions to RELEASE us from the responsibility sitting on our chest and shoulders – hypnotherapy is not such nor a quick fix like a shot of caffeine. 

Clinical hypnotherapy is guiding you to locate the root cause, to help you accept the events of your past with the mature adult mind you have today.  And move forward. 

To determine whether you are a candidate for clinical hypnotherapy, we offer a 15-20 minute free consultation to test and answer any questions you may have regarding your mental health & clinical hypnotherapy.

Renaissance Health Centre

Tel: 702.258.7860

Hypnotherapy Academy of America

International Board of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is an educational self-improvement process that facilitates access to internal resources that assist us in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is NOT a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Nontakorn Hypnotherapy does not practice medicine or psychotherapy. The services of this company are NOT replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric, or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological, or mental health condition. Medical Support Hypnotherapy is used ONLY as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services can be provided.